Hello. My name is Justin Fleming, proud citizen and public servant in Susquehanna Township with life-long connections to Harrisburg’s East Shore. Today, I am proud to announce my candidacy for the new 105th state legislative district.
Throughout my life, I have walked and ridden these streets, made amazing friends, struck up conversations while supporting one of the district's wonderful small businesses, volunteered and worked alongside community leaders to empower and uplift our neighbors. The 105th district holds my memories and my soul. I attended South Side Elementary for kindergarten, grew up in the Edgemont neighborhood, and followed my father's footsteps as a proud Susquehanna Township High School graduate. Like many of you, I've always liked to grab a slice from one of the many local pizza joints, and celebrate special occasions at restaurants and other venues across our district. I've enjoyed the thrill of youth baseball as both a player and a proud Dad coach. I've seen the joy on my children's faces as they played at George Park's Possibility Place playground while I struck up conversations with fellow residents.
I am extremely blessed. I was able to obtain a college degree. I have an amazing, supportive wife, son, and daughter. I've been able to have fulfilling employment in public service and advocacy for social work, mental health, and children's issues. I've served the citizens of Susquehanna Township as a Commissioner for more than eight years. This is the story most publicly seen, but only a small part of what has made me the man I am today.
I grew up low-income. I know hunger. I know the pain and disruption substance use disorders have on a family unit, especially children. I know the uncertainty of paying for a college education. I know the value of community college as a pathway for students needing to work to pay their own way through. I know the cost crunch of high quality child care. I know the importance of accessible and affordable healthcare. I know both the challenges and the benefits of public education. I've sat in school board meetings to ensure your child with a disability has a plan - affording them all of the tools and supports they need to succeed as a student. I have walked many paths in many shoes and each has humbled me, strengthened me, and fueled empathy.
As state representative, I will work hard for all of the citizens of the 105th district. I will listen to your concerns, help you when you need to be connected to services, and fight for your needs on the House Floor. I'm not in electoral politics because I think it is a game. I'm not in it for the recognition or perceived power. I'm here to do the work. As my experience shows, I'm here to support my neighbors and strengthen my community through public service.
In the months to come, I will be excited to speak with every person I can in the 105th district about your hopes for the future. I will seek to hear your concerns, to truly listen, to introduce you to who I am, and to let you know how I will humbly serve as your state representative.